Microsoft Vision 20/20 is a completely fresh approach to the Microsoft Office suite. This free version of Office is highly integrated with Microsoft OneDrive leveraging the Cloud business. The new UI features many changes while maintaining familiar functionality.
The core of the new user interface is centered around the new Multi-functional buttons. These buttons are reactive to the styles or formatting currently active within a select area, giving a visual representation with over a million different combinations.
The new multi-functional buttons also feature states that help the user understand what styles they have active. When a style is currently in use, a blue outline will appear around the button indicating that you are currently using that style.
In previous versions of Microsoft Office a gentle reminder to save, would be sent to the user after 20 minutes of not saving the document. Now in Office 20/20 after 20 minutes without saving, the Save icon will glow with a red outline reminding the user to save.
The copy and paste buttons change depending on weather the user has something copied to the clipboard. The button will change automatically between these functions depending on what the program predicts the next action would be. It will also be outlined in blue.
Having a night mode has become common practice across many platforms and apps. There is a lot of benefits from including a night mode like decreased battery consumption and less strain to the eyes. It made sense for this feature to be added front and center.